Why Sponsor the National Hemp Symposium?
The Global Hemp Innovation Center, on the behalf of the National Academies of Science’s Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, will be hosting the inaugural National Hemp Symposium. This virtual conference will be held February 9 and 10, 2021.
Speakers representing leading industries across ten world economic sectors will envision what they see as the future directors for their sectors and products, and how hemp could fit into that picture. We want the conference audience to get a glimpse of the future opportunities and challenges. The conference will help set the stage for developing a national research and development plan through mid-Century. Our speakers’ perspectives will be used to help define the science needed for the thousands of hemp-based products that could displace the unsustainable fossil fuel and water-intensive source materials currently in use.
The conference world economic sectors include: Health, Defense, Technology, Retail, Transportation, Energy, Government-Law, Construction, Environment, and Food/Beverage.
Net proceeds from the conference will support the Global Hemp Innovation Center’s Hemp Equity Research Program. To build a truly sustainable hemp-based economy, attention must be given to social justice approaches and actions that are inclusive and equitable for all. Please let me know if you can help or have questions and want to discuss.
We invite you to partner with us to support this important conference and showcase your company to contacts and leaders in the field.
Please click here to review an outline of sponsorship packages, so that you can choose the tier that works best for you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions; we are happy to discuss and work with you on individualized sponsorship opportunities.
Best Wishes,
Jay Noller – Oregon State University
Symposium Chair
[email protected]
Platinum Level ($15,000)
For leading companies and organizations who want to be at the forefront of supporting the hemp industry.
- Opportunity to share a 30 second video spot/presentation
- Formally recognized in email correspondence or other outreach channels
- Access to sponsor portal within the National Hemp Symposium event app platform
- Logo on Home, Agenda and Profile sections of National Hemp Symposium event app platform
- Logo and recognition of sponsorship on welcome slide decks
- Logo prominently displayed on conference website with link to company website
- 4 complimentary virtual registrations
Do you have other ideas? Let us know how we can cater our partnership for your company sponsorship during this important conference.
Gold Level ($8,000)
For companies and organizations who want to show strong support for the hemp industry.
- Formally recognized in email correspondence or other outreach channels
- Access to sponsor portal within the National Hemp Symposium event app platform
- Logo on Home, Agenda and Profile sections of National Hemp Symposium event app platform
- Logo and recognition of sponsorship on welcome slide decks
- Logo prominently displayed on conference website with link to company website
- 3 complimentary virtual registrations
Silver Level ($4,000)
- Access to sponsor portal within the National Hemp Symposium event app platform
- Logo on Profile section of National Hemp Symposium event app platform
- Corporate/organization name and recognition of sponsorship on welcome slide decks
- Logo prominently displayed on conference website with link to company website
- 2 complimentary virtual registrations
Bronze Level ($1,000)
- Access to sponsor portal within the National Hemp Symposium event app platform
- Logo on Profile sections of National Hemp Symposium event app platform
- Logo prominently displayed on conference website with link to company website
- 1 complimentary virtual registration
Additional Opportunities (Contact us for details and options)
- Other options are open to discussion